Moissis K. Konstantinis

The American Friends of the Jewish Museum of Greece mourn the passing of Moissis Konstantinis, past President of KIS – the Central Board of the Jewish Communities of Greece. He died on Thursday, September 20th after several months of fighting declining health conditions. His funeral took place on Sunday, September 23rd.

The Jewish Museum of Greece, of which he was a founder, has posted an obituary which underscores his role and major contributions as Secretary-General of its Governing Board and later as Vice-President. His activities begin already in the late 70s when, in collaboration with Nicos Stavroulakis, the first Museum Director, he took pains to collect and ready for display the items that became the first Museum exhibits. For more than forty years later, he was a staunch supporter of the Museum, a believer in its mission, as well as major source of knowledge and information on the history of Greek Jewry. He remained, until the end, a highly valued counselor, prized for his truly masterful understanding of the culture and traditions of the Greek Jewish Communities – Sephardic and Romaniote.

Moissis Konstantinis will also be remembered as a tireless leader and member of KIS – the Central Board of the Greek Jewish Communities. Specifically, he served as President for fully thirteen years (1998-2010 and 2015-2016), as well as Secretary from 1991 to 1997. From 1971 to the end of his days, he served as an Expert on Philately and Adviser to the Hellenic Postal Services (ELTA).

Both his priceless contributions to the progress of Greek Jewry and his varied scholarly output have been widely recognized. Specifically, he is the author of “Ten Years of Economic Development in Israel” (1958); “The Stamp as a factor in the National Economy” (1963); “The Post Offices in Greece: their History and Development” (1974), which received a special award from the Academy of Athens; as well as a book on the accomplishments and economic activities of Greek Jews until the Second World War and the Holocaust.

Moissis Konstantinis was born in Athens in 1932; studied at the Athens School of Economics (ASOEE) and served as Naval Officer in the NATO Command, before making a start on his journey both as career professional and as a valued leader in Jewish Community life. We, the American Friends of the Jewish Museum of Greece (AFJMG), shall always remember his frequent visits to the United States, where he represented Greek Jewry, and the enduring trust, shared concerns and understanding that marked our cooperation over more than three decades. May his Memory be for a Blessing.

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